setembro 5, 2024
A “VII Conferência de Cooperação Trilateral com a América Latina e o Caribe 2024: Superando Obstáculos, Construindo Pontes” foi realizada em formato híbrido, combinando participação virtual e presencial em Salvador, Bahia, Brasil, nos dias 23 e 24 de maio de […]
setembro 2, 2024
A Cooperação Sul-Sul (CSS) emergiu como uma força transformadora no desenvolvimento internacional nas últimas quatro décadas, permitindo que países em desenvolvimento compartilhem conhecimentos, habilidades e recursos para enfrentar desafios comuns. Nesse contexto, a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) desempenha um […]
maio 16, 2024
O Brasil é um Estado membro fundador da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT). O Brasil ratificou 98 Convenções da OIT e é um país líder na cooperação Sul-Sul e triangular. Os muitos sucessos do Brasil numa série de áreas de […]
outubro 27, 2023
Apesar dos progressos realizados no desenvolvimento do Sistema Estatístico Nacional (SNE) nos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP), subsistem ainda assimetrias e desafios significativos no SNE em relação à informação sobre o mercado de trabalho, nomeadamente em termos do […]
outubro 4, 2023
Durante o século XIX, o termo “questão social” surgiu para descrever o desafio político premente de abordar as consequências sociais adversas da industrialização. Embora a Revolução Industrial tenha introduzido transformações económicas e sociais significativas, também levou à exploração de trabalhadores, […]
setembro 6, 2023
A Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) é uma defensora global de programas de aprendizagem de alta qualidade, reconhecendo sua importância na promoção do trabalho decente e na redução do desemprego, especialmente entre os jovens. Em junho de 2023, durante a […]
agosto 10, 2023
Este estudo foi realizado no âmbito do Projeto da Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) “Melhorar o sistema de inspeção do trabalho no Tajiquistão e no Uzbequistão através da partilha de conhecimento e aprendizagem entre pares em SSTC”, financiado pelo PARTNERSHIPS, […]
junho 2, 2023
A parceria entre a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) e a Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) está ancorada na justiça social, particularmente no Trabalho Decente/Digno, e promove o diálogo tripartite juntamente com a Cooperação Sul-Sul e Triangular (CSST). […]
maio 18, 2023
A OIT e o Brasil têm uma parceria de longa data que se intensificou nos últimos anos com a Cooperação Sul-Sul e Triangular (CSST) e com as contribuições voluntárias do Brasil para o Programa de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento da […]
maio 3, 2023
En los últimos años, la cooperación al desarrollo entre gobiernos, interlocutores sociales, organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC), socios privados de Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica (los BRICS) y la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) ha sido cada vez […]
abril 21, 2023
Green works refer to the employment intensive development, restoration and maintenance of public infrastructure, community assets, natural areas, and landscapes to contribute to environmental goals such as climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, environmental rehabilitation, ecosystem restoration and nature […]
abril 5, 2022
Con el fin de apoyar a la Red de Instituciones de Formación Profesional de Centroamérica y República Dominicana para afrontar estos desafíos de la mejor manera, la OIT realiza el presente estudio, en el que se analiza el estado de […]
março 31, 2022
The German Development Institute published a Discussion Paper “Mainstreaming South-South and Triangular Cooperation. Work in Progress at the United Nations”. United Nations (UN) entities have repeatedly been asked to mainstream their support for South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC), and this […]
fevereiro 14, 2022
The ILO through its partnership’s department has launched 23 South-South and Triangular Cooperation projects across the five regions and the ITC-Turin office for the 2020-2021 biennium. The SSTC projects have covered 75 countries and additional global activities. In the attached […]
dezembro 3, 2021
This compilation is the result of the work of the Fellows of the 2021 Disaster Reduction Course (Spanish). Inspirational views on South-South peer-learning are systematically shared and joint South-South projects proposed. Please find out more here.
outubro 22, 2021
La OIT, a través de su departamento de asociaciones, ha puesto en marcha 23proyectos de Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular en las cinco regiones y en la oficina del CCI-Turín para el bienio 2020-2021. Los proyectos del SSTC han abarcado 75 […]
outubro 19, 2021
Buenas prácticas de los participantes del curso sobre Financiar el Trabajo Decente con enfoque Sur-Sur (Septiembre- Octubre 2021-edición española ) : Buenas prácticas
junho 25, 2021
Vários países, especialmente economias emergentes e países em desenvolvimento, partilham condições socioeconómicas semelhantes e enfrentam o mesmo tipo de desafios relacionados com o desenvolvimento socioeconómico sustentável. Diferentes países enfrentam frequentemente perigos comuns e vulnerabilidades semelhantes. A diversidade de experiências e […]
fevereiro 17, 2021
As a result of the ILO South-South and Triangular Cooperation knowledge-sharing project on an Integrated Approach Towards Formalization in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, the report sets out road maps for the four countries to make progress towards an integrated […]
dezembro 10, 2020
El Foro Virtual Tripartito: Tecnologías Disruptivas en la Formación Profesional para la Inclusión de Grupos Vulnerables, organizado por el Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT (CIF-OIT), la Oficina de la OIT para América Central, Haití, Panamá y República Dominicana (OIT […]
novembro 24, 2020
Skills mismatch is a challenge for policy-makers, taking various forms are different in their causes and consequences and can negatively affect labour market outcomes. Globally, one in four workers are operating below their productive capacity. Typically, higher levels of informality, […]
novembro 5, 2020
Buenas Prácticas en la Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular: Formación Profesional Inclusiva (OIT, 2020)
El Foro Virtual Tripartito: La promoción del trabajo decente por medio de la inclusión de grupos vulnerables en la formación profesional en América Central, República Dominicana y México en el contexto del COVID-19, organizado por el Centro Internacional de Formación […]
novembro 5, 2020
Esta colección de Buenas Prácticas en la Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular (CSSCT) para el Turismo Sostenible y Desarrollo Local en Áreas Rurales objetiva dar mayor visibilidad a las iniciativas escalables y replicables. El documento presenta soluciones que ilustran las iniciativas implementadas […]
outubro 7, 2020
Esta coleção de Boas Práticas de Cooperação Sul-Sul e Triangular (CSSCT) para a redução do risco de desastres e desenvolvimento local tem como objetivo dar maior visibilidade a iniciativas que podem ser ampliadas e replicadas. O documento apresenta soluções que […]
agosto 19, 2020
This peer-learning guide aims to introduce SSTC as a tool for socio-economic development and to achieve the Agenda 2030. It explains in a practical way the definitions, fundamental principles, the process to be followed to implement projects in the framework […]
julho 1, 2020
Este guia prático tem como objetivo a ajudar os funcionários da OIT no terreno e na sede a formular projetos de CSSCT e/ou a incluir elementos de CSSCT em outros projetos de cooperação para o desenvolvimento. Mecanismos horizontais podem gerar […]
junho 29, 2020
The ILO’s Programme and Budget (P&B) Proposal for the Biennium 2018-19 stipulated the integration of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) results as part of ILO’s efforts to promote decent work opportunities for all. With the end of the biennium approaching, […]
maio 28, 2020
Esta compilación de 25 buenas prácticas presenta casos ejemplares de Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular (CSST) en la promoción del trabajo decente y el desarrollo rural. Estas iniciativas pueden adaptarse mediante la cooperación regional e interregional para hacer frente a los […]
outubro 31, 2019
ILO SSTC Results: Analysis in the framework of P&B Outcomes 2018-2019 (ILO, 2019)
agosto 16, 2019
Esta coleção de Boas Práticas em Cooperação Sul-Sul e Triangular (CSST) para redução de risco de desastres e desenvolvimento local tem como objetivo dar maior visibilidade a iniciativas escaláveis e replicáveis através de um compêndio de boas práticas acessíveis on-line. […]
julho 18, 2019
A OIT e a China têm uma parceria de longa data que se intensificou nos últimos anos na Cooperação Sul-Sul e Triangular (CSST) e com contribuições voluntárias da China para o Programa de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento da OIT. A […]
maio 16, 2019
This Good Practices Collection focuses on solutions that illustrate the full involvement of ILO constituents and partners. It is aimed at expanding understanding of South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) at the global and regional level by providing a sound basis […]
janeiro 20, 2019
L’Algérie, Etat membre de l’OIT depuis 1962, a ratifié 60 conventions de l’OIT et 3 protocoles, dont huit conventions fondamentales, trois conventions portant sur des sujets de gouvernance et 49 conventions techniques. L’Algérie inscrit son action dans le cadre de […]
setembro 14, 2018
The second of its series, the Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Development highlights how South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation can accelerate progress towards the implementation and achievement of the SDGs. This series features more than 100 […]
fevereiro 22, 2018
This document reports on the implementation of the ILO South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) strategy adopted by the Governing Body in March 2012, and proposes future SSTC steps, with a view to informing the forthcoming general discussion on effective development […]
janeiro 15, 2018
Avec le soutien financier de l’Agence espagnole de coopération pour le développement international (AECID), le BIT a implémenté le projet «Coopération Sud-Sud pour le renforcement du travail décent chez les jeunes via la formation professionnelle en Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie». Ce […]
dezembro 30, 2017
Como una forma creciente de asociación, la cooperación Sur-Sur y triangular está desempeñando un papel cada vez más importante en las alianzas público-privadas de la OIT. En 2010, la OIT creó la Red Mundial de Empresas y Discapacidad para promover […]
dezembro 15, 2017
The CPLP and the ILO have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in 2004 and have been working together in several areas since 2006 including social protection, the fight against child labour, labour inspection, labour statistics and social dialogue. […]
abril 30, 2017
abril 1, 2017
Turkey has been an ILO member State since 1932 and has ratified 59 ILO conventions, including all eight fundamental Conventions, three governance Conventions and 48 technical Conventions. Turkey supports the ILO’s mandate both through contributions to the ILO’s core budget […]
abril 1, 2017
China has been an ILO member State since 1919. China supports the ILO’s mandate both through contributions to the ILO’s core budget and through development cooperation programmes and projects. The China-ILO partnership focuses on social justice, decent work and fair […]
março 1, 2017
Panama supports the ILO’s mandate both through contributions to the ILO’s core budget and development cooperation programmes and projects. Panama has always been very committed to the promotion of dialogue and cooperation and has been an active contributor to the […]
março 1, 2017
Algeria supports the ILO’s mandate both through contributions to the ILO’s core budget and to development cooperation programmes and projects. Algeria has always been very committed to social change, the promotion of decent work and the positive impact they both […]
dezembro 15, 2016
La economía social y solidaria (ESS) y la Cooperación Sur-Sur tienen un tema común: la promoción de la justicia social y de la solidaridad entre los pueblos. Las organizaciones solidarias buscan, por un lado, recursos para garantizar su viabilidad financiera […]
dezembro 1, 2016
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setembro 30, 2016
South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) is explicitly referenced by the Chinese Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security (MOHRSS) and the ILO, in their Memorandum of Agreement “for promoting Technical Cooperation with a focus on South-South Cooperation” (2012). MOHRSS has […]
maio 30, 2016
Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Development, the first in its series, highlights Southern good practices that are relevant to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Policymakers and development practitioner seeking to understand better how South-South […]
abril 30, 2016
South- South and triangular cooperation is playing a key role in the topic of labour migration as it contributes to providing policy-advice and capacity building to ILO constituents within the framework of operationalised development cooperation. Therefore, the ILO will continue […]
dezembro 20, 2015
Promoting Social and Solidarity Economy is about contributing both simultaneously and in a mutually reinforcing manner to each dimension of the Decent Work Agenda. Enterprises and organizations of the Social and Solidarity Economy create and sustain jobs and livelihoods, extend […]
dezembro 15, 2015
La edición de la Academia sobre Economía Social y Solidaria, a realizarse en Puebla, los días 23 a 27 noviembre, 2015, se dará en un contexto de maturación de conceptos y prácticas de Economía Social y Solidaria (ESS). La ESS […]
dezembro 15, 2015
Triangular Cooperation, or “South-South-North Cooperation” is another form of development cooperation by the stakeholders and social partners of the South and the North, with a view to promote the Decent Work Agenda, focusing on the ownership and empowerment of the […]
dezembro 10, 2015
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novembro 15, 2015
As a growing form of partnership, South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) is playing an increasingly important role in the ILO’s public-private partnerships. Southern partners, with similar experience in development, bring particularly relevant and helpful experience in assisting the development of […]
outubro 30, 2015
South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) aims to provide an innovative response to global challenges that is well adapted to the needs and development policies of the partner countries in fragile situations. The objectives and practices of SSTC are aligned with […]
outubro 15, 2015
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julho 15, 2015
Over 50 fellows working on South-South Cooperation and Social and Solidarity Economy have provided challenging visions of solidarity economy and cooperation based on local and regional peer-to-peer exchanges and the concept of social solidarity. These views were exchanged during the […]
junho 15, 2015
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junho 15, 2015
Partnerships in Social and Solidarity Economy are a case for South-South exchanges. Building such partnerships necessarily involves a solidarity-based multi-stakeholder approach that is central to the mainstreaming of the Decent Work Agenda. The exchange of best practices amongst the developing […]
dezembro 15, 2014
Esta compilação de boas práticas reflete o empenho e o compromisso assumido pelos oito estados membros da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) conjuntamente com a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) para a prossecução dos objetivos da Agenda do […]
dezembro 15, 2014
The Guide also targets the UN organizations, since working together in a more decentralised and horizontal manner is an organisational challenge for many UN agencies, including the ILO. It explains in a practical way the definition of South-South and triangular […]
junho 15, 2014
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abril 15, 2014
This publication reviews the GSSDs held since 2010 and the decent work solution forums organized during them by the ILO. The GSSD Expos are a United Nations system-wide global event which contribute immensely to dialogue on South-South Cooperation. The International […]
dezembro 15, 2013
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dezembro 10, 2013
The Good Practices Guide on South-South and Triangular Cooperation is part of this commitment and is targeted at governments, workers, employers, and civil society to help them learn from initiatives based on southern solutions that have proven effective in promoting […]
junho 15, 2012
The GLU is the only network worldwide that offers a global cooperation between trade unions and academic institutions with a strong focus on South-South cooperation. Over the past five years it has strengthened the voice of the South in global […]
fevereiro 10, 2012
This document reviews the evolution of the concept of South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) within the United Nations (UN) system and in the ILO, and examines how such modalities can complement existing modes of technical cooperation. It then proposes an […]
dezembro 15, 2011
The present publication was produced in partnership between the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation in the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). This volume highlights 18 case studies on social protection policies from 15 countries […]
maio 30, 2011
Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) Good Practices and Successful Initiatives in South-South and Triangular Cooperation – Concept Note, May 2011 University networks and national training institutes Download:
maio 30, 2011
Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) Good Practices and Successful Initiatives in South-South and Triangular Cooperation – Concept Note, May 2011 Regional Seminars and Community of Practice for Labour-based Practitioners Download: