July 6, 2020

ILO How-to-Guide on SSTC design for Decent Work now available in French, Spanish and Portuguese

This How-to-guide aims at helping ILO officials in the field and at HQ to design South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) projects and/or to include SSTC elements in other development cooperation projects. Horizontal arrangements can generate development solutions through policies and […]
July 3, 2020

ITC-ILO starts online course on Disaster Risk Reduction

The International Training Center of the ILO (ITC-ILO) has started an online course on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Local Economic Development. The course will share knowledge on how to fully integrate DRR tools in processes of local development, preparing, […]
June 29, 2020

South-South and Triangular Cooperation Report for the Biennium 2018-19 (ILO, 2020)

The ILO’s Programme and Budget (P&B) Proposal for the Biennium 2018-19 stipulated the integration of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) results as part of ILO’s efforts to promote decent work opportunities for all. With the end of the biennium approaching, […]
June 1, 2020

Global Labour University launches online course: “Post-Corona Starts Now!”

The Global Labour University (GLU) is launching a free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to support a global debate on policy solutions and strategies to address the main challenges exposed and exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. In particular, the course […]
May 28, 2020

Rural Development and Decent Work: Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation (ILO, 2020)

This compilation of 25 good practices provides exemplary cases of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) in promoting decent work and rural development. These initiatives can be adapted through regional and inter-regional cooperation to address rural development-related challenges ranging from crops […]
May 19, 2020

Launching of ILO projects on South-South and Triangular Cooperation 2020-2021

The ILO through its partnerships’ department is launching 23 South-South and Triangular Cooperation projects across the five regions and the ITC-Turin office for the 2020-2021 biennium. The SSTC projects cover 75 countries and additional global activities. They will promote peer-learning activities, training and […]
January 31, 2020

Pathfinder Countries and peer learning: Taking next steps to end child labour, Leiden, 27-28 January 2020

The conference Taking next steps to end child labour, was organized by the Netherlands and the Global March, with the support of the ILO, against the backdrop of need for combating child labour and its worst forms by 2025. Latest […]
December 19, 2019

South-South good practices presented at the ILO Rural Development Academy 2019

Turin, 19 December 2019 – The ILO has launched a publication compiling the South-South cooperation and triangular good practices from scholars and practitioners in the South-South elective of the Rural Development Academy (ITC Turin 16-19 December 2019). The emerging and […]
December 3, 2019

China expands its support to South-South Triangular Cooperation in ASEAN countries

Beijing (ILO News) – On 21 November, the ILO Director General Guy Ryder and the Chinese Vice-Minister of Human Resources and Social Security You Jun, signed an amendment to the ILO-MOHRSS “Partnership Agreement for Promoting Development Cooperation with a Focus […]
November 14, 2019

PARDEV takes part in the Academy “The Future of Labor and Future Jobs” (Praia, Cape Verde)

On the 13th November, the ILO’s Department of Partnership and Field Support (PARDEV) participated in the Academy “The Future of Labor and Future Jobs” in Praia, Cape Verde. The event promoted by the Government of Cape Verde as part of […]
October 31, 2019

South-South and Triangular Cooperation Report for the Biennium 2018-19 (ILO, 2019)

The ILO’s Programme and Budget (P&B) Proposal for the Biennium 2018-19 stipulated the integration of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) results as part of ILO’s efforts to promote decent work opportunities for all. With the end of the biennium approaching, […]
October 28, 2019

V Meeting of Focal Points Network: Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour Regional Initiative

Representatives of 25 countries in the Americas got together in Lima, ILO HQ, to discuss joint plans on combatting child labour in the region with the support of the Brazilian and Spanish Cooperation Agencies from the 22-25, October. PARDEV supported […]