The BRICS formalization knowledge series , with a South-South approach, held virtually from July-August 2021, aims to promote South-South cooperation between the BRICS countries on the transition to formality from informality. Don’t miss key sessions on 3-5 August 2021; 10-12 August 2021; 17-19 August 2021 at 1 pm CET. Through country-specific coordinated actions, as well as cross country policy sharing and capacity building to implement the ILO Recommendation No. 204, transition to the formal economy is a major policy goal identified by BRICS countries in successive BRICS summits, fora and research papers. The knowledge series organized by ILO Delhi, ITC Turin Center and the Partnerships and field support department of the ILO aims at making a series of recommendations for BRICS governments for the Delhi Summit (2021) and beyond. Please register here: APPLICATION FORM (itcilo.org)
Find below the notes on the courses, available in different languages:
- English : Knowledge development BRICS_EN_InfoNote
- Chinese : Knowledge development BRICS_ CH_InfoNote
- Portuguese : Knowledge development BRICS_ PT_InfoNote
- Russian : Knowledge development BRICS_ RUS_InfoNot
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–> Recording of Day 1 : 3rd August 2021
- Zoom recording PT: Video1_PT
- Zoom recording CH: Video1_CH
- Zoom recording RU: Video1_RU
- Zoom recording EN: Video1_EN
–> Recording Day 2 : 5th August 2021
- Zoom recording PT: Video2_PT
- Zoom recording CH: Video2_CH
- Zoom recording RU: Video2_RU
- Zoom recording EN: Video2_EN
–> Recording Day 3 : 10th August 2021
- Zoom recording PT: Video3_PT
- Zoom recording CH: Video3_CH
- Zoom recording RU: Video3_RU
- Zoom recording EN: Video3_EN
–> Recording Day 4 : 12th August 2021
- Zoom recording PT: Video4_PT
- Zoom recording CH: Video4_CH
- Zoom recording RU: Video4_RU
- Zoom recording EN: Video4_EN
–> Recording Day 5 : 17th August 2021
- Zoom recording PT: Video5_PT
- Zoom recording CH: Video5_CH
- Zoom recording RU: Video5_RU
- Zoom recording EN: Video5_EN
–> Recording Day 6 : 18th August 2021
- Zoom recording PT: Video6_PT
- Zoom recording CH: Video6_CH
- Zoom recording RU: Video6_RU
- Zoom recording EN: Video6_EN