October 10, 2021

Coming up French Edition: financing for decent work with a “South-South” approach

This training on Financing for Decent Work with a “South-South” approach aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to engage in national consultations on financing the SDGs and to advocate for the inclusion of decent work considerations in […]
September 29, 2021


Development Investment (DEVINVEST) and South-South and Triangular Cooperation (PARDEV) are organizing The Global South-South Cooperation Forum 2021, 11th – 15th October 2021.. This forum is aiming to foster the exchange of good practices, knowledge, experiences, and methodologies applied in the […]
September 14, 2021

United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation

During the event organized by APC Colombia to commemorate the UN South-South Cooperation day, the ITC-ILO, represented by Ms Angelica Munoz South South Cooperation Expert, presented a south-south private sector good practice entitled “ARISE‘s engagement with disaster risk reduction in […]
September 2, 2021

Coming Up ! Spanish Edition of the Financing Decent Work Course – South-South Approach- 20 September 2021 (for 3 weeks)!

Coming Up ! Spanish Edition of the Financing Decent Work Course – South-South Approach- 20 September 2021 (for 3 weeks)! Peer learning guide Information note French version: Financer le travail decent
August 13, 2021

Session 1 DG Forum: Taking Stock of Achievements for South-South and Triangular Cooperation since BAPA+40:

The High-level Forum of Directors General for Development Cooperation (DG Forum) is a platform for national cooperation agencies and institutions implementing South-South and triangular cooperation. Other stakeholders and practitioners of South-South and triangular cooperation were also invited to the Forum.  […]
August 5, 2021

Global Youth Forum 2021: Youth Engagement Through SSTC

Date: 4th August 2021 OVERVIEW OF THE FORUM.  Far from being mere beneficiaries of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, young people are recognized as having been among the architects in its development, and should continue to be engaged in […]
July 23, 2021

BRICS commitment to jobs, social protection & social dialogue welcomed by ILO

ILO Director-General Guy Ryder has welcomed the commitment made by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (the BRICS countries) to take more action to support labour markets in meeting the unprecedented challenge of COVID-19 . In remarks  to the sixth BRICS Labour […]
June 30, 2021

ILO Turkey and Colombia e-learning course on promoting decent work for refugees

Turkey and Colombia are the largest refugee-hosting countries in the world. In order to promote decent work for refugees and migrants in the context of covid 19, ILO-Turkey and Colombia are conducting a triangular south-south cooperation (TSC) initiative through three-week […]
June 29, 2021

BRICS formalization : knowledge development series

The BRICS formalization knowledge series , with a South-South approach, held virtually from July-August 2021, aims to promote South-South cooperation between the BRICS countries on the transition to formality from informality. Don’t miss key sessions on 3-5 August 2021; 10-12 […]