The Malagasy delegation received by the Minister of Employment and Social Protection, Adama Kamara, greeting Fréderik Muia, Director of the ILO-Antananarivo Country Office.
Under the auspices of the ILO, and from a South-South cooperation approach, Côte d’Ivoire and Madagascar have just strengthened their cooperation in the field of social protection through a mission of exchange of experiences carried out from 7 to 14 October 2023 in Abidjan by a Malagasy delegation, which was received by Adama Kamara, Minister of Employment and Social Protection of Côte d’Ivoire. Fréderik Muia, Director of the ILO Country Office in Antananarivo, was also present.
Through this project, Madagascar and Côte d’Ivoire are actively involved in strengthening social protection coverage, a crucial step towards improving the welfare of workers in the informal and rural economy in both countries.
This mission enabled the Malagasy to visit the National Health Insurance Fund (CNAM), the National Social Security Fund (CNPS) and the General Pension Fund for State Employees (CGRAE). They also went to the village of Djibi to see first-hand how the Inter-Union Committee for Transition to the Formal Economy (CITEF) is sensitizing informal economy actors on enrolment in the Universal Health Coverage (CMU).
The representatives of the constituents of the two countries benefited from the technical support of the ILO offices in Antananarivo and Abidjan in the preparation and implementation of the visits and workshops with the financial support of the South-South cooperation project.
For more detailed information on this initiative, click here (in French):