
novembro 24, 2020

Skills Anticipation and Mismatch: South-South and Triangular Cooperation Good Practices (ILO, 2020)

Skills mismatch is a challenge for policy-makers, taking various forms are different in their causes and consequences and can negatively affect labour market outcomes. Globally, one in four workers are operating below their productive capacity. Typically, higher levels of informality, […]
dezembro 10, 2020

Buenas Prácticas en la Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular: Tecnologías Disruptivas en la Formación Profesional para la Inclusión de Grupos Vulnerables (OIT, 2020)

El Foro Virtual Tripartito: Tecnologías Disruptivas en la Formación Profesional para la Inclusión de Grupos Vulnerables, organizado por el Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT (CIF-OIT), la Oficina de la OIT para América Central, Haití, Panamá y República Dominicana (OIT […]
fevereiro 17, 2021

Towards integrated strategy for the transition to formality: Road maps for Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan (ILO, 2021)

As a result of the ILO South-South and Triangular Cooperation knowledge-sharing project on an Integrated Approach Towards Formalization in Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, the report sets out road maps for the four countries to make progress towards an integrated […]
junho 25, 2021

Cooperação Sul-Sul e financiamento do trabalho digno

Vários países, especialmente economias emergentes e países em desenvolvimento, partilham condições socioeconómicas semelhantes e enfrentam o mesmo tipo de desafios relacionados com o desenvolvimento socioeconómico sustentável. Diferentes países enfrentam frequentemente perigos comuns e vulnerabilidades semelhantes. A diversidade de experiências e […]
outubro 19, 2021

Buenas prácticas de los participantes del curso sobre Financiar el Trabajo Decente con enfoque Sur-Sur (Septiembre- Octubre 2021-edición española )

Buenas prácticas de los participantes del curso sobre Financiar el Trabajo Decente con enfoque Sur-Sur (Septiembre- Octubre  2021-edición española ) : Buenas prácticas  
dezembro 3, 2021

South-South and triangular cooperation promoted by students of the DRR 2021 Course- ITC Turin and PARDEV

This compilation is the result of the work of the Fellows of the 2021 Disaster Reduction Course (Spanish). Inspirational views on South-South peer-learning are systematically shared and joint South-South projects proposed. Please find out more here.
fevereiro 14, 2022

Global and regional good practices : promoting South-South and triangular cooperation, peer learning in the world of work in time of COVID19

The ILO through its partnership’s department has launched 23 South-South and Triangular Cooperation projects across the five regions and the ITC-Turin office for the 2020-2021 biennium. The SSTC projects have covered 75 countries and additional global activities. In the attached […]
março 31, 2022

Mainstreaming South-South and Triangular Cooperation

The German Development Institute published a Discussion Paper “Mainstreaming South-South and Triangular Cooperation. Work in Progress at the United Nations”. United Nations (UN) entities have repeatedly been asked to mainstream their support for South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC), and this […]
abril 5, 2022

Estudio sobre género en la formación profesional Centroamérica y República Dominicana

Con el fin de apoyar a la Red de Instituciones de Formación Profesional de Centroamérica y República Dominicana para afrontar estos desafíos de la mejor manera, la OIT realiza el presente estudio, en el que se analiza el estado de […]
abril 21, 2023

Promoting Green Infrastructure Investments and Forestry Works among South and East African Countries by Enhancing South-South and Triangular Cooperation: South-South and Triangular Cooperation Good Practices (ILO, 2023)

Green works refer to the employment intensive development, restoration and maintenance of public infrastructure, community assets, natural areas, and landscapes to contribute to environmental goals such as climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, environmental rehabilitation, ecosystem restoration and nature […]
maio 3, 2023

Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular – los BRICS y la OIT (OIT, 2023)

En los últimos años, la cooperación al desarrollo entre gobiernos, interlocutores sociales, organizaciones de la sociedad civil (OSC), socios privados de Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica (los BRICS) y la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) ha sido cada vez […]