
mayo 30, 2011

Good SSTC Practices on EIIP – Regional Seminars and Community of Practice

Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) Good Practices and Successful Initiatives in South-South and Triangular Cooperation – Concept Note, May 2011 Regional Seminars and Community of Practice for Labour-based Practitioners   Download:    
diciembre 15, 2011

Sharing Successful Social Protection Floor Experiences (UNDP-ILO, 2011)

The present publication was produced in partnership between the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation in the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). This volume highlights 18 case studies on social protection policies from 15 countries […]
febrero 10, 2012

South-South and Triangular Cooperation – The way forward (ILO, 2012)

This document reviews the evolution of the concept of South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) within the United Nations (UN) system and in the ILO, and examines how such modalities can complement existing modes of technical cooperation. It then proposes an […]
diciembre 10, 2013

SSC and the ILO – Mainstreaming the Decent Work Agenda through the dissemination of good practices (ILO, 2013)

The Good Practices Guide on South-South and Triangular Cooperation is part of this commitment and is targeted at governments, workers, employers, and civil society to help them learn from initiatives based on southern solutions that have proven effective in promoting […]
abril 15, 2014

Global South-South Development Expos – Decent Work Solutions 2010-2013 (ILO, 2014)

This publication reviews the GSSDs held since 2010 and the decent work solution forums organized during them by the ILO. The GSSD Expos are a United Nations system-wide global event which contribute immensely to dialogue on South-South Cooperation. The International […]
diciembre 15, 2014

A CSST na CPLP – Boas Práticas na Proteção Social e no Combate ao Trabalho Infantil (OIT, 2014)

Esta compilação de boas práticas reflete o empenho e o compromisso assumido pelos oito estados membros da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) conjuntamente com a Organização Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) para a prossecução dos objetivos da Agenda do […]
junio 15, 2015

Social and Solidarity Economy in Asia – A SSTC perspective (ILO, 2015)

Partnerships in Social and Solidarity Economy are a case for South-South exchanges. Building such partnerships necessarily involves a solidarity-based multi-stakeholder approach that is central to the mainstreaming of the Decent Work Agenda. The exchange of best practices amongst the developing […]