
October 10, 2023

Bangladesh and Indonesia share good practices on social protection and unemployment insurance

From October 2nd to 5th, 2023, the workshop titled “Towards an Unemployment Protection System in Bangladesh: Capacity Building and Learning Sharing” took place in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This event is promoted by the International Labour Organization (ILO) as part of a […]
October 18, 2023

JOIN US!: Side event on South-South and triangular Cooperation – experience of Lusophone countries in labour statistics

In the framework of the 21st International Conference of Labour Statisticians, the Side event: South-south and triangular co-operation – experience of Lusophone countries in labour statistics will take place this 19th of October 2023 from 13:00 to 14:30 (Geneva time) […]
October 19, 2023

Belt and Road Initiative 10th Anniversary

Seminar on Promoting High-quality Employment is held in Beijing 19-20 Oct. It is hosted by Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security (MoHRSS) of China & International Labour Organization (ILO). Mr. Yu Jiadong, Vice Minister of Ministry of Human Resources […]
October 27, 2023

FINAL REPORT: Assessing the Capacities of PALOP Countries to Produce Labour Market Statistics in Accordance with the Latest International Standards through a South-South Cooperation approach (in Portuguese)

Despite the progress made in the development of the National Statistical System (NSS) in the Portuguese-speaking African Countries (PALOP), there are still significant asymmetries and challenges in the NSS in relation to labour market information, especially in terms of compliance […]
October 30, 2023

ILO supports exchange of experiences in social protection between Madagascar and Côte d’Ivoire through South-South Cooperation

Under the auspices of the ILO, and from a South-South cooperation approach, Côte d’Ivoire and Madagascar have just strengthened their cooperation in the field of social protection through a mission of exchange of experiences carried out from 7 to 14 […]
November 17, 2023

The National Employment Agency and Partners Launch National Career and Productivity Fair 2023

PHNOM PENH – The National Employment Agency(NEA) of the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) and partners organized the National Career and Productivity Fair 2023 in Cambodia from 10 – 11 November to provide a platform for employers, training […]
November 17, 2023

Experiences and Lessons Learned from Trade Union Engagement in UNSDCFs: A South-South Cooperation Initiative Between Small Island States in Asia-Pacific and the Caribbean

Asia-Pacific and Caribbean island states are both involved in the development and implementation of regional level United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks (UNSDCFs) that are operationalized at the country level. The UNSDCF is a vehicle for identifying development solutions through […]
November 24, 2023

How can South-South Cooperation strengthen ILS related to the Informal Economy?

The ILO has been engaged in several activities and projects involving South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) to address issues related to International Labour Standards (ILS), including the promotion of integrated normative strategies. Normative strategies integrate ILS into efforts for decent […]
November 24, 2023

How can South-South Cooperation strengthen ILS related to Labour Migration?

The ILO has been engaged in several activities and projects involving South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) to address issues related to International Labour Standards (ILS), including the promotion of integrated normative strategies. Normative strategies integrate ILS into efforts for decent […]
November 24, 2023

How can South-South Cooperation strengthen ILS related to Occupational Health and Safety?

The ILO has been engaged in several activities and projects involving South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) to address issues related to International Labour Standards (ILS), including the promotion of integrated normative strategies. Normative strategies integrate ILS into efforts for decent […]
November 24, 2023

Subregional Tripartite Workshop: Promoting Forward Thinking Normative Strategies through South-South Cooperation

This subregional tripartite workshop is part of a pilot project that attempts to combine for the first time South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) with the promotion of International Labour Standards (ILS), good governance and labour market institutions for decent work […]
December 14, 2023

Promoting Social Justice in the Global South: Global and regional South-South Cooperation good practices

The ILO, alongside its partnership department, initiated 28 South-South and Triangular Cooperation projects across five regions and the ITC-Turin office for 2022-2023. These projects spanned 80+ countries and global activities, emphasizing adaptable, sustainable, and results-driven practices. Funded mainly by the […]