This subregional tripartite workshop is part of a pilot project that attempts to combine for the first time South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) with the promotion of International Labour Standards (ILS), good governance and labour market institutions for decent work and sustainable development. A special focus is placed on countries about to graduate from LDC status.
The workshop aimed to showcase how ILS and economic development can be mutually reinforcing objectives in the pursuit of sustainable development, enabling everyone to benefit from the fruits of economic progress in pursuit of decent work and social justice.
Countries in the Global South have a need to build solid labour market institutions based on ILS and good governance in support of decent work and sustainable development. Labour market institutions are essential in order to navigate the challenges associated to an open world economy and sustain development trajectories through robust labour market governance. This is true especially in the case of countries graduating from LDC status as this process entails loss of preferential treatment in relation to trade, finance and investment.
During the workshop, participants were first grouped by country to establish country-specific goals. Afterwards, groups were created based on the stakeholders’ common interests and goals. The groups were tasked to identify the needs and contributions of each country for the collaboration, and to choose the tools and methods of collaboration. In total, 8 collaboration groups
were formed. This is the summary of possible collaborations in the 8 areas.
Download the event Concept Note.
Video: Anastasiia Pavlova (ILO PARDEV) talks about subregional tripartite workshop in Bangkok (9-10 Oct 2023) for promoting normative strategies through SSTC
📄 Final Report:
📽 Video Recordings:
📊 Presentations:
- Decent work and ILS, LDC graduation and financing for decent work – SSTC Preliminary Tripartite Training
- International Labour Standards (ILS), EU GSP – SSTC Preliminary Tripartite Training
- SSTC and Decent Work: Normative Approaches and LDC Graduation Countries (Bangladesh, Nepal and Vietnam)
- RBTC-SSTC ILS, LDC Asia 2022-2023 – Partnerships, Normes and Regions
- South-South and Triangular Cooperation and Financing Decent Work
- Decent Works and International Labour Standards
- Gender Links to Development (sharing from Viet Nam)
🗂️ Gereral resources: