South-South Cooperation and International Labour Standards (ILS)

Since 1919, the International Labour Organization has established and developed a system of International Labour Standards (ILS) – international Conventions and Recommendations drawn up by representatives of governments, employers and workers from around the world – aimed at promoting opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity.
In today’s globalized economy, International Labour Standards are an essential component of the international framework for ensuring that the growth of the global economy provides benefits for all. They were developed to provide a global system of instruments on labour and social policy, backed up by a system of supervision to address all the types of problems arising in their application at the national level. They are the legal component of the ILO’s strategy for governing globalization, promoting sustainable development, eradicating poverty and ensuring that everyone can work in dignity and safety.
The ILO has been engaged in several activities and projects involving South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) arrangements to address issues related to International Labour Standards. This engagement has taken the form of project coordination, provision of technical expertise, and facilitation of knowledge-sharing, among others.
Key Resources:
South-South Cooperation and ILS on the Informal Economy:
South-South Cooperation and ILS on Labour Migration:
South-South Cooperation and ILS on Occupational Health and Safety:
South-South Cooperation and ILS on the Elimination of Child Labour:
Regional and Sub-regional South-South Cooperation activities on ILS:
South-South Cooperation on ILS in the CPLP:
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