Bem-vindo à Academia da OIT sobre Cooperação Sul-Sul e Triangular. Este espaço foi criado para todos os interessados no tema da Cooperação Sul-Sul e Triangular (CSST) no mundo do trabalho.
Esse espaço interativo apresenta os princípios básicos e as principais questões relacionadas à teoria e à prática da CSST, bem como os conceitos, princípios, modos e políticas que a sustentam. Também tem como objetivo compartilhar experiências práticas e lições aprendidas em um contexto internacional, com vistas à criação e ao desenvolvimento de estratégias colaborativas excepcionais e de alto impacto. Sua dinâmica flexível e interativa visa proporcionar uma experiência enriquecedora tanto para especialistas quanto para iniciantes.
O que você pode fazer?
a) Leia o texto introdutório apresentado em cada módulo. Ele foi elaborado para apresentar o assunto do módulo e estimular a conversa no fórum de discussão.
b) Assista aos vídeos curtos apresentados nos módulos. Eles complementam os textos e apresentam algumas pessoas importantes que são especialistas nas áreas em questão.
c) Dê uma olhada no material suplementar apresentado em cada módulo. Esse material permite que você se concentre e aprofunde seu conhecimento nos pontos e questões específicos que mais lhe interessam.
d) Leia e reflita sobre as perguntas orientadoras apresentadas em cada módulo (elas foram desenvolvidas para incentivar os participantes a expressarem suas opiniões, preocupações e necessidades). Escreva suas respostas às perguntas no fórum de discussão.
e) Participar de conversas nos fóruns de discussão (cada módulo tem um fórum diferente). Os fóruns são os principais canais de interação dentro da SSTC Academy. Eles permitem que você leia o que os outros participantes escreveram, expresse-se por meio de "mensagens" e participe de conversas respondendo às mensagens de outras pessoas. Também é um momento para se apresentar aos outros e expressar seus interesses específicos. Além disso, os especialistas que lideram os módulos e outras pessoas importantes da OIT também participam das conversas, portanto, esta é a sua chance de começar a interagir com eles. Você pode se conectar aos fóruns de discussão diretamente com suas contas de mídia social (Facebook, Twitter ou Google) ou simplesmente com seu endereço de e-mail. Observe que você precisa se "inscrever" em cada fórum para ser notificado quando outras pessoas postarem mensagens ou responderem às suas mensagens (isso é muito importante para poder acompanhar as discussões).
Observe que este site é um espaço interativo multilíngue.
Lista de Módulos: (clique sobre as línguas para acessar os módulos)
Módulo disponível em Inglês , Espanhol , Francês , Português , Chinês e Russo.
Módulo 2 - Boas práticas de CSST na eliminação do trabalho infantil e da escravatura moderna
Módulo disponível em Inglês , Espanhol , Francês , Português , Chinês e Russo.
Módulo 3 - Criação de empregos, competências, alterações climáticas e transições justas: um enfoque na cooperação Sul-Sul
Módulo disponível em Inglês , Espanhol , Francês , Português , CChinês e Russo.
Módulo 4 - Cooperação entre cidades e Desenvolvimento Econômico Local
Módulo disponível em Inglês , Espanhol , Francês , Português , Chinês e Russo.
Módulo 5 - Patamares de proteção social e programas de emprego público: uma perspectiva Sul-Sul
Módulo disponível em Inglês , Espanhol , Francês , Português , Chinês e Russo.
Módulo 6 - Cooperação entre países frágeis
Módulo disponível em Inglês , Espanhol , Francês , Português , Chinês e Russo.
Módulo 7 - Diálogo social e CSST: perspectiva dos trabalhadores
Módulo disponível em Inglês , Espanhol , Francês , Português , Chinês e Russo.
Módulo 8 - Cooperação Sul-Sul e migração de trabalhadores
Módulo disponível em Inglês , Espanhol , Francês , Português , Chinês e Russo.
Módulo 9 - Parcerias público-privadas e CSST: enfoque no desenvolvimento de competências, incluindo aprendizagens
Módulo disponível em Inglês , Espanhol , Francês , Português , Chinês e Russo.
The pre-learning phase of the SSTC Academy introduces basic principles and key questions related to the topics which were tackled during the face-to-face sections of the Academy. During this phase, participants also started knowing each other and had the chance to express their views, concerns and needs before they met in person in Turin.
What to do?
a) Read the introductory text presented in each module. It was designed to introduce the topic of the module and to stimulate preliminary conversations in the discussion forum.
b) Watch the short videos presented in the modules. They complement the texts and introduce some key people who are experts in the topics.
c) Have a look at the supplementary material presented in each module. Through this material you can focus and deepen you knowledge on the specific points and issues which interest you the most.
d) Read and think about the suggestive questions presented in each module (they were elaborated to encourage participants to express their views, concerns and needs). Write your answers to the questions in the discussion forum.
e) Join the conversations in the discussion forums (each module has one different forum). The forums are the main channels by which the interaction happened in the pre-learning phase of the SSTC Academy. Through them you can read what other participants have written, you can express yourself by means of “posts” and you can engage in conversations through “replies” to the posts of other people. This is also a good time to introduce yourself to others and to express your particular interests and expectations. In addition, the experts who are carrying out the modules and other ILO key people are also participating in the conversations, so this is your chance to start interacting with them. You can login to the discussion forums directly with your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter or Google) or you can login just with your email. Notice that you have to “subscribe” to each forum in order to be notified when other people post or reply to your posts (this is very important in order to be able to follow the discussions).
Please, notice that this website is a multilingual interactive space.
List of Modules: (click on the languages to access the modules)
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face section for this module was available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Module 2 - Good SSTC practices in the elimination of child labour and modern slavery
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in Spanish and French.
Module 3 - Job creation, skills, climate change and just transitions: a focus on South-South cooperation
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English.
Module 4 - City-to-City cooperation and Local Economic Development
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English and Portuguese.
Module 5 - Social protection floors and public employment programmes: reaching out to the informal and rural economy
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English.
Module 6 - Fragile-to-Fragile cooperation
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English.
Module 7 - Social dialogue and SSTC: a workers’ perspective
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English and Portuguese.
Module 8 - South-South cooperation and labour migration
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in Spanish and French.
Module 9 - Public-private partnerships and SSTC: a focus on skills development, including apprenticeships
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English.
The pre-learning phase of the SSTC Academy introduces basic principles and key questions related to the topics which were tackled during the face-to-face sections of the Academy. During this phase, participants also started knowing each other and had the chance to express their views, concerns and needs before they met in person in Turin.
What to do?
a) Read the introductory text presented in each module. It was designed to introduce the topic of the module and to stimulate preliminary conversations in the discussion forum.
b) Watch the short videos presented in the modules. They complement the texts and introduce some key people who are experts in the topics.
c) Have a look at the supplementary material presented in each module. Through this material you can focus and deepen you knowledge on the specific points and issues which interest you the most.
d) Read and think about the suggestive questions presented in each module (they were elaborated to encourage participants to express their views, concerns and needs). Write your answers to the questions in the discussion forum.
e) Join the conversations in the discussion forums (each module has one different forum). The forums are the main channels by which the interaction happened in the pre-learning phase of the SSTC Academy. Through them you can read what other participants have written, you can express yourself by means of “posts” and you can engage in conversations through “replies” to the posts of other people. This is also a good time to introduce yourself to others and to express your particular interests and expectations. In addition, the experts who are carrying out the modules and other ILO key people are also participating in the conversations, so this is your chance to start interacting with them. You can login to the discussion forums directly with your social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter or Google) or you can login just with your email. Notice that you have to “subscribe” to each forum in order to be notified when other people post or reply to your posts (this is very important in order to be able to follow the discussions).
Please, notice that this website is a multilingual interactive space.
List of Modules: (click on the languages to access the modules)
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face section for this module was available in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Module 2 - Good SSTC practices in the elimination of child labour and modern slavery
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in Spanish and French.
Module 3 - Job creation, skills, climate change and just transitions: a focus on South-South cooperation
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English.
Module 4 - City-to-City cooperation and Local Economic Development
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English and Portuguese.
Module 5 - Social protection floors and public employment programmes: reaching out to the informal and rural economy
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English.
Module 6 - Fragile-to-Fragile cooperation
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English.
Module 7 - Social dialogue and SSTC: a workers’ perspective
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English and Portuguese.
Module 8 - South-South cooperation and labour migration
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in Spanish and French.
Module 9 - Public-private partnerships and SSTC: a focus on skills development, including apprenticeships
Pre-learning page available in English , Spanish , French and Portuguese .
Note: the face-to-face sections for this elective module were available in English.