Module 8 - South-South cooperation and labour migration
a. Introductory Text
The ILO’s Outcome 9 is linked to the "promotion of equitable and effective policies on labour migration". The ILO aims to strengthen governance of labour migration to ensure decent working conditions for migrant male and female workers and respond to the needs of the labour market, as well as promoting inclusive economic growth and development. Thus, the global strategy of the ILO in this field is to increase the capacity of ILO constituents to participate in the development of policies based on empirical data that result in an equitable labour migration and based on rights for all workers, while working to improve governance of labour mobility in terms of equity, in the framework of regional integration processes and key migration corridors, based on social dialogue and collaboration with various partners actors.
South-South migration is estimated to represent at least 50% of workers/migrants globally. This is primarily a border or intraregional migration, where the borders or geographical proximity, tend to promote labour markets between countries of origin and destination. In fact, the South-South migration is distributed in a large number of intra-regional brokers differ in relation to geographical aspects, the interdependence between labour markets and migration devices. An inescapable demographic feature of South-South corridors of migrant workers is their high feminization; on average, women constitute more than half of all migrants identified in destination countries.
b. Videos
c. Supplementary Material
d. Suggestive Questions
Think about the questions presented below. They were elaborated to encourage participants to express their views, concerns and needs. Write your answers to the questions in the discussion forum located in the bottom of the page.
1) Is there a stable exchange of experiences and practices between your country and a neighbouring country on the issue of labour migration?
2) What can the governments of your country and the neighbouring country do together to improve the situation of migrant workers (e.g. legislation, policies, practical measures)?
3) What can be the lessons learned from the point of view of South-South cooperation?
4) How can it be ensured that both destination and origin countries benefit from this type of South-South cooperation project?
5) What could be the recommended strategies for binational cooperation that could be useful to consider?
6) Are there any other recommendations you would suggest on how to improve South-South cooperation in the area of labour migration with other countries?
Discussion Forum: ILO Academy on SSTC - Module 8
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