March 14, 2018
14 March 2018 – The ILO Governing Body has adopted today the paper on South-South and triangular cooperation and decent work, with the wide support of social partners and welcoming statements from employers, workers, and countries.
November 1, 2017
Antalya, Turkey, 28 November 2017, 10.45am – 12.15pm The ILO Thematic Solution Forum aims to present development solutions relevant to youth and women employment in the framework of South-South and triangular cooperation. Particularly, the Forum will aim to provide results-based […]
September 4, 2017
An ILO/China South-South project has led to an improvement in the sharing of labour market data and closer cooperation between the Cambodian government, workers’ and employers’ organizations. The Project was designed to improve labour market efficiency and participation, reduce unemployment, […]
July 31, 2017
As a prelude to the 4th World Forum of Local Economic Development (which will be held in Praia, Cape Verde, in October 2017), the ILO co-organized the international seminar on South-South Cooperation, Social Economy and SDGs Implementation. The participants appreciated […]