April 30, 2019

ILO fosters south-south cooperation to promote decent work for Syrian refugees and host communities

Constituents from Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey came together in Jordan to discuss the promotion of decent work for Syrian refugees and host communities in the region, as part of a South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) initiative between the four […]
April 15, 2019

Buenos Aires outcome document of the BAPA+40 adopted in the General Assembly

On 15 April, the outcome document of the BAPA+40 in Buenos Aires has been adopted in the General Assembly by the representatives of 160 countries. This outcome document calls for enhanced collaboration against the backdrop of resource constraints and a shifting […]
April 4, 2019

ILO-South Centre Side Event at BAPA+40: “The Future of Work, Youth Employment and South-South Cooperation”

The ILO and South Centre have successfully co-hosted a Side Event during the Second High-Level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40) on 21 March 2019 entitled: “The Future of Work, Youth Employment and South-South Cooperation” Mr. Carlos Correa, Executive Director […]
April 4, 2019

The “Regional Initiative Latin America and the Caribbean Free of child labour” at BAPA+40

The ILO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean hosted a side event during the Second High-Level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation (BAPA+40) on 21 March 2019. This event presented the Regional Initiative as a successful South-South Cooperation […]
April 4, 2019

ILO fosters South-South cooperation on decent work and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The workshop brought together tripartite constituents from six Arab States to exchange country experiences to integrate sustainable development goals, decent work and employment into the national policy planning processes. BEIRUT (ILO News) –  With decent work at the core of […]
March 12, 2019

Interview on the Future of Work and South-South Cooperation: Rebeca Grynspan, General Secretary, SEGIB

Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary General of SEGIB and Member of the Global Commission on the Future of Labor of the ILO, March 2019           1. Within the framework of the 2030 Agenda, what is the perspective and […]
February 8, 2019

Upcoming ILO-South Centre Side Event at BAPA+40: “The Future of Work, Youth Employment and South-South Cooperation”

Geneva, February 12, 2019 – The high-level conference on South-South cooperation (BAPA+40) will take place on 20-22 March 2019 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In this context, the ILO and the South Centre will co-host a side event entitled “The Future […]
February 5, 2019

Entrevista con Brenda Cardozo, Joven Lider SY@W (proyecto, “Safe Youth @ Work”)

    1. ¿Cómo se relacionan los desafíos del futuro del empleo juvenil con otros importantes ODS referentes a la sustentabilidad ambiental y el cambio climático? El nuevo paradigma de desarrollo sostenible que promueve la Agenda 2030 refleja la interdependencia […]
January 5, 2019

Interview with Young SDG Leader for BAPA+40

Ms. Alonsoperez is an Electronics, Telecommunication, and Electrical Engineer, Entrepreneur, Inventor, and is a United Nations Young Leader for the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2012 she invented Chipsafer, a patented platform that can track cattle remotely and autonomously. She will […]
December 14, 2018

South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Decent Work

In 2018, UNOSSC published the “Good Practices in South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable Development Vol 2”, featuring Southern good practices that are relevant to the implementation of all 17 SDGs. In this context, the ILO contributed with three good […]
December 11, 2018

ILO and South-South and Triangular Cooperation in 2018

2018 has been a successful year of South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) at the International Labour Organisation. There’s only one more month left until 2018 is over, and it’s time to start looking back the major milestones of ILO’s SSTC […]