Module 6 - Fragile-to-Fragile cooperation
a. Introductory Text
In this module, participants will be able to identify opportunities for cooperation among fragile states or countries experiencing some sort of fragility through the Fragile-to-Fragile (F2F) cooperation.
The framework of this topic are the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the ILO and the g7+ in 2014, the ongoing process of revision of ILO Recommendation No. 71: Employment (Transition from War to Peace) and the “Jobs for Peace and Resilience” flagship programme announced by the ILO in 2015.
Elements to consider on this topic:
- Decent work in fragile, conflict and disaster settings, an introduction
- Decent work and F2F cooperation within the framework of the g7+
- Past and ongoing ILO support to States in fragile situations
- Opportunities for ILO support to F2F cooperation
b. Videos
c. Supplementary Material
Discussion Forum: ILO Academy on SSTC - Module 6
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