Sometimes to learn something new we should look in the past. That’s why today we are glad to remind you about one of the best practices of ILO!
This publication presents an overview of the modules presented at the South-South and triangular cooperation academy (SSTC Academy) in Turin, that took place from 11-15 July 2016, illustrating different solutions that countries from the South have put into application, working towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The SSTC Academy, a joint initiative of the ILO, and its International Training Centre, was an opportunity for all ILO partners to discuss South-South good practices in the following areas: elimination of forced labour and child labour, labour migration, social dialogue, climate change, green job creation and vocational training, social protection floors in the Global South. New South-South Cooperation modalities, such as City-to-City and Fragile-to-Fragile cooperation were also discussed. This compilation of articles aims to contribute in sharing international experience in view of fostering cooperation between the countries of the South and increase engagement vis-à-vis SSTC modalities through peer-to-peer approaches in sub-regional cooperation projects. South-South cooperation complements traditional international cooperation, by incorporating the idea that through a spirit of solidarity, developing countries can provide sustainable solutions to their own problems.
Download (in English): South-South and Triangular Cooperation Academy – A Decent Work Overview (ILO, 2016)
Download (in Arabic): South-South and Triangular Cooperation Academy – A Decent Work Overview (ILO, 2016; Arabic)
Download (in Chinese): South-South and Triangular Cooperation Academy – A Decent Work Overview (ILO, 2016; Chinese)
Download (in Russian): South-South and Triangular Cooperation Academy – A Decent Work Overview (ILO, 2016; Russian)
Télécharger (en Français): Académie sur la Coopération Sud-Sud et Triangulaire – Un aperçu du travail décent (OIT, 2016)
Descargar (en Español): Academia sobre Cooperación Sur-Sur y Triangular – Una Visión General sobre el Trabajo Decente (OIT, 2016)
Baixar (em Português): Academia sobre Cooperação Sul-Sul e Triangular – Uma Visão do Trabalho Decente (OIT, 2016)