📄 Skills Anticipation and Mismatch: South-South and Triangular Cooperation Good Practices
The e-learning course on Skills Anticipation and Mismatch was organized in 2020 by the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITC-ILO), with the support of the Partnerships and Field Support Department (PARDEV) of the ILO to utilize SSTC methodologies for peer learning and knowledge sharing on the topic of skills mismatch. This publication is a collection of experiences written by participants of the course, with the objective of disseminating good practices already in place in countries of the Global South.
📄 E-Learning Course on Skills and TVET in GCC with a South-South Approach
The Mini-Skills Academy was organized to address the challenges facing Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates), such as outdated curricula, absence of continuous professional development and poorly equipped schools, poor coordination, and collaboration between TVET and the private sector restricting TVET responsiveness to the labour market. The aim of the academy was to facilitate building of partnerships with trainers and other experts in the region, and among institutions in the spirit of South-South cooperation. The academy also created a platform for open discussion among participants to share knowledge and experiences and identify ways to address common challenges and replicate good practices through the establishment of an online community of practice.
📄 International Labour Standards Academy – Arab States, Europe and Central Asia (ITC-ILO)
The Academy is a regional event offering a choice of two highly specialized tracks on international labour standards (ILS) addressed to different target groups. It provides in-depth understanding of the comprehensive system of ILS and its application at national level to professionals active in promoting social justice and sustainable development.