ILO strengthens national employment implementation in Indonesia through specialized counsellor training

Government staff will provide timely labour market information and connect job seekers with decent work opportunities

The capacity of Indonesia to implement national employment and labour market policies has been strengthened further through the training of 40 public employment services counsellors by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Manpower.

A workshop took place in Jakarta, Indonesia from 11 – 15 December 2023 as part of a three-tiered learning strategy co-designed by ILO and the Secretariat of the Directorate General of Manpower Placement Development and Employment Opportunity Expansion of the Ministry of Manpower (SETDITJEN BINAPENTA KEMNAKER).

The training focused on delivering a hands-on approach to effectively manage public employment services, extend career guidance, and cultivate skills development for job seekers.

It followed on from online training held between October and November 2023 focussing on the basic operations and activities of employment counsellors and which over 600 government staff members from across Indonesia took part in.

A final phase of the training will cater to employment counsellors at provincial and district levels nationwide.

Diego Rei, Employment Specialist at the ILO country office for Indonesia and Timor-Leste, highlighted the significance of the weeklong “training of trainers” for Public Employment Services (PES) counsellors.

“The training combines technical knowledge on counselling skills, with guidance on pedagogic techniques and student management. The overall goal is for trained counsellors to be able to provide more and better services and information, benefiting job seekers and employers grappling with the challenge of finding a qualified workforce.”

Rei also emphasized how successful approaches from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China (MOHRSS), had been incorporated into the training programme.

This training is an important component of the ILO’s China-funded project Promoting the Global Development Initiative with a Focus on South-South Cooperation in Employment in ASEAN. A key project goal is to improve the capacity of public employment services in Southeast Asian countries to provide timely labour market information and connect job seekers with decent work opportunities.

For further information please contact:

Tarinee Youkhaw
Advocacy & Knowledge Management Officer