Turin, 19 December 2019 – The ILO has launched a publication compiling the South-South cooperation and triangular good practices from scholars and practitioners in the South-South elective of the Rural Development Academy (ITC Turin 16-19 December 2019). The emerging and partnerships unit of the ILO’s partnerships department has joined forces with ITC Turin and Sector to promote good experiences in terms of rural development, social and solidarity economy, community based solutions and working regionally and sub-regionally to promote networking and joint actions between developing countries in Asia, Africa and the Americas. The objective of the programme has been to enrich South-South Cooperation on decent Work in the rural economy by: 1) providing the participants in the programme with high quality training inputs on rural development related topics focusing on SSTC; 2) enabling participants to develop articles and good operational and policy good practices on successful policies and practices in SSTC cooperation (bilateral or regional) on rural development; and 3) supporting the knowledge sharing platform and network of practitioners on SSTC for rural development. In this regard you will find in the attached publication the articles written in English, French and Spanish.
Access the good practices here.