In celebration of #SouthSouth Cooperation Day, the ILO is very pleased to remind the recent launch of a key publication done in the framework of BAPA+40: South-South and Triangular Cooperation – Decent Work Good Practices on the Road to BAPA+40 and beyond (ILO, 2019)
Click here to download the publication: http://www.southsouthpoint.net/2019/05/14/south-south-and-triangular-cooperation-decent-work-good-practices-on-the-road-to-bapa-40-and-beyond/
South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) can be defined as the collaboration between two or more developing countries, often supported by traditional partners, guided by the principles of solidarity and non-conditionality, aiming at implementing inclusive and distributive development models that are driven by demand. SSTC is a complement to North-South cooperation in a concerted effort to promote development opportunities. As reflected in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, SSTC has become a key modality of international development cooperation and an essential tool for the United Nations Development System.
The United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation celebrates the economic, social and political developments made in recent years by regions and countries in the South and highlights United Nations efforts to work on technical cooperation among developing countries. The theme for this year is “From Commitment to Action — Follow up to Buenos Aires Plan of Action+40”, and it focus on the implementation of the commitments adopted in the Plan of Action+40 (BAPA+40).
In addition, have also a look at one of ILO’s most recent South-South cooperation activities in Southeast Asia: SSTC Knowledge Exchange Study Tour and Workshop on Social Protection (http://www.southsouthpoint.net/2019/09/12/international-day-for-south-south-cooperation/).
Happy South-South Cooperation Day!