As part of the celebrations for the International Day for South-South Cooperation, today we share an example of South-South collaboration that is supporting Asian countries to meet their development goals through concerted efforts
SSTC Knowledge Exchange Study Tour and Workshop on Social Protection
Within the frame of ILO Social Security Centenary activities in Myanmar, a series of activities are being organised by the ILO Liaison Office in Myanmar with support of the ILO Partnerships and Field Support Department (PARDEV). The activities aim to gather representatives of governments, employers and workers from Myanmar, Indonesia and Thailand to strengthen their collaboration to advance Myanmar’s efforts to expand and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of its social protection systems.
From 10 to 13 September 2019, an SSTC Knowledge Exchange Study Tour is being held in Jakarta, Indonesia, providing participants with the opportunity to share good practices and experiences on social protection, particularly on how to progressively extend social security coverage and improve the quality of services. Upon the arrival of the tripartite delegation in Jakarta, ILO-Myanmar National Project Coordinator on Social Protection, Thein Than Htay was interviewed by the local media (interview in Burmese available here).
This visit builds on a workshop and a study tour held earlier this year in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar and Bangkok, Thailand. In mid-October, the SSTC Tripartite Dialogue Forum will also bring together tripartite constituents in Myanmar and a Memorandum of Understanding for technical cooperation is expected to be signed between Social Security Board (Myanmar) and Social Security Office (Thailand).
See more photos of the event here
International Day for South-South Cooperation – 12 September
South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) can be defined as the collaboration between two or more developing countries, often supported by traditional partners, guided by the principles of solidarity and non-conditionality, aiming at implementing inclusive and distributive development models that are driven by demand. SSTC is a complement to North-South cooperation in a concerted effort to promote development opportunities. As reflected in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, SSTC has become a key modality of international development cooperation and an essential tool for the United Nations Development System.
The United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation celebrates the economic, social and political developments made in recent years by regions and countries in the South and highlights United Nations efforts to work on technical cooperation among developing countries. The theme for this year is “From Commitment to Action — Follow up to Buenos Aires Plan of Action+40” focused on the implementation of the commitments adopted in the Plan of Action+40 (BAPA+40).