South-South cooperation complements traditional North-South by incorporating the idea that, “through a spirit of solidarity, developing countries can provide sustainable solutions to their own problems and at lower cost.” Thus, “the efforts of South-South cooperation, including identifying successful experiences in one country and their adaptation and application in another, are an important contribution to the dissemination of the results of decent work for the four strategic objectives of addition ILO.” At the same time, it allows networking among developing countries and traditional development partners through triangular schemes that contribute to a fair globalization.
This publication presents an overview of the modules presented at the South-South and Triangular Cooperation Academy in Turin, from 11-15 July 2016. The Academy, joint initiative of the ILO, and its International Training Centre, was an opportunity for all selected representatives, practicioners, policymakers, researchers, and ILO Staff to engage in an interregional and networking forum event for the orchestration of high-level strategic initiatives, and political advocacy related to South-South and triangular cooperation, in support to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and decent work, in particular. On a global level, the United Nations system has been engaging actively in this modality through the South-South Development Expos, which the ILO has taken an active part since its inception. South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) can be defined as the collabouration between two or more developing countries, often supported by traditional partners, guided by the principles of solidarity and non-conditionality, aiming at implementing inclusive and distributive development models that are driven by demand. SSTC complements North-South cooperation in a concerted effort to promote development opportunities. Over a five day period, participants have taken part in a rich programme that offered a wide variety of learning, strategizing and networking tracks. The SSTC Academy also provided a unique opportunity for exchanging knowledge and forging connections with key players and scholars from the field of international development, as well as with ILO tripartite constituents and representatives from governments, international organizations and civil society. South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) has recently taken a particularly important role and became a trend in the worldwide debates and practices related to Development Cooperation, emphasizing on the following topics such as:
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and South-South cooperation;
- Triangular cooperation: good practices;
- The road to Buenos Aires + 40: from technical cooperation among developing countries (TCDC) to South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC);
- Good SSTC practices in the elimination of forced labour and child labour;
- SSTC in job creation and vocational training;
- Extending social protection floors: a South-South perspective;
- City-to-City cooperation and local economic development (LED);
- Fragile-to-Fragile cooperation and Decent Work;
- Social Dialogue and SSTC: experiences related to workers and employers’ organizations;
- SSTC and labour migration;
- The role of the ILO in promoting and supporting SSTC.
As reflected in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) has become a key modality in international development cooperation and an essential tool for the United Nations Development System. The global trend of higher engagement with the Global South is reflected in the ILO’s Development Cooperation Strategy 2015-17 and the ILO’s Strategy for South-South Cooperation (GB, 2012). The Academy, in partnership with the United Nations system, has focused on SSTC’s theories and practices, concepts, principles, modes and policies underpinning the SSTC and core of the programme. Its flexible and interactive dynamics have allowed for an enriching experience, both for long-experienced experts and newcomers in the context of sharing international practical experiences, making way for notable collaborative opportunities.
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