Localizing the DW Agenda through South-South and City-to-City Cooperation (ILO, 2015)

Local economic and social development and city-to-city cooperation are gaining international visibility. What are the challenges related to the world of work that cities and their citizens are currently facing? How can cities, local governments and their partners learn from each other’s good practices within a South-South cooperation framework? How can they address the challenges of the world of work together with government and the social partners? These are the main questions this handbook addresses in order to stimulate further South-South and triangular cooperation between cities for the promotion of Decent Work. It also describes current South-South initiatives already undertaken by the International Labour Organization in partnership with the UCLG.


Download (in English): Localizing the DW Agenda through South-South and City-to-City Cooperation (ILO, 2015)

Télécharger (en Français):  Localiser l’Agenda pour le Travail Décent grâce à la Coopération Sud-Sud et Ville-à-Ville (OIT, 2015)

Descargar (en Español):  Promoción del Trabajo Decente a Nivel Local a través de la Cooperacion Sur-Sur y Ciudad a Ciudad (OIT, 2015)

Baixar (em Português):  Localizando a Agenda do Trabalho Decente através da Cooperação Sul-Sul e Cidade-Cidade (OIT, 2015)