The Global Labour University (GLU) is launching a free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to support a global debate on policy solutions and strategies to address the main challenges exposed and exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. In particular, the course discusses the underlying problems concerning health systems and social and income protection as well as policy proposal to address and overcome such problems. Additionally, it also tackles policy ideas to fund the corona emergency and economic recovering as well as to redirect the economy towards public services and infrastructure, which meets basic human needs and rights.
The Global Labour University is a network of universities, international and national trade unions, civil society organisations and the International Labour Organization (ILO) that was created as a partnership for international knowledge management, research, and capacity building. With a strong focus on South-South Cooperation between trade unions and academic institutions, it provides new channels for trade unionists and researchers from the South, bringing a confident southern voice to a global labour discourse.
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