Brazil is a founding member State of the International Labour Organization (ILO). Brazil has ratified 98 ILO Conventions and it is a leading country in South-South and triangular cooperation.
Brazil’s many successes in a range of public policy areas, such as combating child labour and forced labour, have received growing attention from the international community. This has led other developing countries to explore cooperation with Brazil as a development partner.
In 1987, the ILO and Brazil signed an agreement “for technical cooperation with countries in Latin America and Africa”. In 2009, the ILO and Brazil signed a Complementary Agreement that created the ILO-Brazil South-South Cooperation. Since 2005, Brazil has contributed more than US$ 27 million to the ILO for projects through South-South Cooperation (2005-2023), in about 40 developing countries, with the aim of pursuing the ILO’s four strategic objectives: rights at work, employment, social protection, and social dialogue. The Brazilian government also provided over US$ 17 million in direct trust funds for Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, including engagement with LGBTIQ+ and Afro-Brazilian marginalized populations and indigenous people. This is done through an innovative mechanism regarding compensations for labour violations. In 2023, the XI Annual SSTC review was re-instated after a seven-year pause, with a focus on showing “Brazil is back” in the international scene.
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