Seminar on Promoting High-quality Employment is held in Beijing 19-20 Oct. It is hosted by Ministry of Human Resources & Social Security (MoHRSS) of China & International Labour Organization (ILO). Mr. Yu Jiadong, Vice Minister of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China, MOHRSS and Ms Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa, Regional Director of International Labour Organization, ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, made opening remarks.
Mr. Peter van Rooij, Director of the Multilateral Partnerships & Development Cooperation Department, the ILO sent video message to review the ILO-China Partnerships.
Ms. Li Feixia, Senior Emerging Partners’ Relations Officer, PARTNERSHIPS of the ILO, joined discussion on Expanding South-South Cooperation in Skills Development Network to Promote Human Resources Development and shared good practice of SSTC supporting skills development.