In the framework of the “Academy on Labour Migration (LMA)” currently taking place in Turin, Italy, from 10 to 21 July 2023, one elective course will be specifically dedicated to exploring the crucial role of South-South Cooperation in supporting countries of the Global South to strengthen labour migration policies and safeguard the rights of migrant workers.
During this elective course, participants, including representatives from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM), will gain valuable insights into the labour migration provisions in both blocs. They will have the opportunity to compare and contrast these provisions and identify aspects from the opposite regional economic community that could serve as interesting policies, provisions, or practices for consideration in their respective contexts. The focus will be on collectively analysing various methodologies and specific South-South cooperation good practices that are centred around labour migration.
In this regard, this elective course will explore several vital topics relevant to ECOWAS and CARICOM, including the legal and effective coverage of migrant workers by existing social security systems, the enhancement of social dialogue and tripartite mechanisms at the sub regional level, the promotion of skills mobility and free movement mechanisms, and the coordination of regional cooperation and South-South cooperation initiatives. Particular attention will be given to the nexus between climate change, migration, and decent work, and the coordination mechanisms and initiatives related to climate change and disaster management.
Ms. Vanessa Phala, ILO Director in Abuja, and Mr. Dennis Zulu, ILO Director in Port of Spain, will also actively participate. They will take a hands-on approach and join the delegations, alongside the ITC Turin and the ILO Emerging and Special Partnerships Unit, to foster peer learning and facilitate South-South exchanges.
By the conclusion of the session, participants will acquire a comprehensive understanding of key South-South cooperation initiatives that directly impact labour migration. The integration of practical examples will foster an appreciation for the significant contributions made by South-South cooperation in promoting labour migration and advancing decent work.
The LMA will undoubtedly provide valuable insights into the immense potential of South-South cooperation to fortify labour migration policies and governance.