Launch of the initiative brought together representatives of the ILO, the Brazilian government and workers’ and employers’ organizations in Geneva.
The Government of Brazil, through the Brazilian Agency of Cooperation (ABC), of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the International Labour Organization (ILO), signed this June 16th, 2023 the new South-South Cooperation Programme 2023-2027 “Social Justice for the Global South”, with the purpose of supporting the promotion of decent work and social justice in developing countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia-Pacific.
The programme was signed by ILO Assistant Director-General for External and Corporate Relations, Laura Thompson, and ABC Director, Ambassador Ruy Pereira, at the ILO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, as part of the X Brazil/ILO Annual Review Meeting, which also brought together representatives of the Brazilian government and workers’ and employers’ organizations, and of the ILO.
“The Programme signed today reflects Brazil’s commitment to Social Justice and correlates strongly with the current ILO World of Work Summit: Social Justice for All, which proved to be an excellent opportunity to hear the priorities of ILO constituents and other international agencies and actors and feed into the proposal to forge a Global Coalition for Social Justice”, said Laura Thompson.
“It also reflects Brazil’s commitment as a key player in regional organizations such as the India-Brazil-South Africa Forum (IBSA), G20, G77 + China, CPLP and BRICS in promoting strategic partnerships and strengthening South-South and triangular cooperation among member countries”, she added.
As pointed out by the director of ABC, “the new Programme will seek to advance the promotion of decent work and social justice in developing countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia-Pacific, supporting the expansion of capacities of partner countries to develop, strengthen and integrate policies, programs and initiatives in four areas of action considered priorities by the Brazilian Government and the ILO”.
The meeting was attended by the Minister of State of Labour and Employment, Luiz Marinho; the Brazil’s Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva, Ambassador Tovar da Silva Nunes; the President of the Superior Labour Court, Lélio Bentes Côrrea; and the General Labour Prosecutor of the Public Labour Ministry, José de Lima Ramos Pereira, as well as representatives of the ABC and the ILO, including Christophe Perrin, Director of the Multilateral Partnerships and Development Cooperation Department of the ILO; Anita Amorim, Head of the Emerging and Special Partnerships Unit at the ILO; and, Fernanda Barreto, ILO-Brazil South-South Cooperation Programme Coordinator.
Considering the tripartite structure of the ILO, Antônio Lisboa, Secretary of International Relations of the Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT); and Pablo Rolim Carneiro , Specialist of the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), were present.
Held after seven years, the X Brazil-ILO Annual Review Meeting presented the progress achieved and discussed present and future collaboration in promoting South-South and Triangular Cooperation in the World of Work, Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, Social Justice and Decent Work for the Global South.
About the Brazil-ILO Program
Created in 2009, the Partnership Programme has already implemented more than 20 projects collaborating with more than 40 countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean.
In its new phase, the initiative will seek to contribute to the advancement and promotion of decent work and social justice in developing countries in these regions by supporting the expansion of partner countries’ capacities to develop, strengthen and integrate policies, programs and initiatives in four axes of action:
● Eradication of child labour and forced labour;
● Strengthening occupational safety and health (OSH) and labour inspection;
● Promotion of gender, race, and generational equity and promotion of equality in the world of work;
● Promotion of decent employment and social protection.
The strategic priorities of the South-South Cooperation Programme 2023-2027 “Social Justice for the Global South” were defined in a collaborative manner in April 2023, during a strategic day of social dialogues with the participation of representatives of the ILO Brazil Office, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC) and other policy areas of Brazil, such as: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE), the Ministries of Labour and Employment (MTE), the Ministry of Social Security (MPS), the Ministry of Human Rights and Citizenship (MDH), the Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family, and Fight against Hunger (MDS),workers represented by the National Central Workers Union (CUT), employers represented by the National Confederation of Industry (CNI), the Public Ministry of Labour (MPT) and the Superior Court of Labour (TST).
Brazil plays a fundamental role in South-South and Triangular Cooperation, exemplifying the spirit of solidarity and commitment to the international development of nations. Through different modalities and alliances, the country has actively participated in promoting cooperation and development among developing economies. With solid partnerships, knowledge sharing, and joint approaches to common challenges faced by the Global South, Brazil has contributed to strengthen ties and boost international cooperation.
The new South-South Cooperation Program 2023-2027 contributes to the achievement by Brazil and partner countries of the following Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda: SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), and SDG 17 (Partnerships and Means of Implementation).
To access the recording of the Meeting, click here.
To access the photo gallery of the meeting (which includes all the Brazil-ILO meetings held in the context of the International Labour Conference), click here.
Photo © Crozet – Pouteau – Albouy/ILO