During the V Global Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour in Durban May 2022, the question of financing the end of child labour is back to the table during a panel entitled Panel on Financing Elimination of Child Labour on the 18th of May. The Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA) made an urgent call for aligning financing flows with the Sustainable Development Goals and is highly relevant to the elimination of child labour. Alignment of such financing with public goals and national priorities are key to sustainability of such efforts, and greater efforts to ensure effective coordination are required. In the framework of the post COVID 19 pandemic, there is a pressing need for public and private finance to partner and provide sustainable financing solutions to tackle the pandemic as well as address new emerging challenges and opportunities, such as the pressing need for combatting child labour. Decent work must be integrated into policies guiding banking, microfinance, investment and insurance sectors with the aim of building back better, along with social dialogue. The objective of the panel is to discuss the required mechanisms and frameworks to mobilize sustainable financing, improve coordination and strengthen partnerships, including South-South partnerships, between governments, social partners, development partners, international financial institutions and the private sector. The full concept note can be found here. In this regard, the governments of Colombia (Minister of Labour), deputy Minister of Labour of Ghana, the EU, the World Bank, the Grameen Foundation and Social Partners. The USDOL, the Brazilian Agency for Cooperation, the Dutch Social Affairs Ministry will also take to floor as “Privileged Speakers from the floor”. Work on financing decent work with a Global South perspective can be found here. The panel is moderated by the Partnerships and Field Support Department of the ILO. The objectives is to look into linkages of INFFs, Decent Work, Combatting Child labour and SDG financing.