12 September is the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation 2020.
In the framework of South-South Cooperation, the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC-ILO) are featured as partners of the month in the South-South Galaxy in September. Click here to watch a Q&A with Anita Amorim, Head of Emerging and Special Partnerships of the ILO, to know more about SSTC in the ILO.
Selected South-South Cooperation by ILO and the ITC-ILO can be accessed here: ITCILO ILO SSTC Good Practices 2020
In celebration of the United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation, the Global Partnership Initiative on Effective Triangular Cooperation is organizing the webinar
Strengthening Partnership and International Solidarity through Triangular Cooperation: One year after BAPA+40 and during the COVID-19 times
Friday 11 September 2020
8:00-9:30 New York, 14:00-15:30 Paris, 21:00-22:30 Tokyo
Click here for more information
With the participation of:
- Ms. Anita Amorim, Head Emerging and Special Partnerships Unit Department of Partnerships and Field Support, International Labour Organisation (ILO)
- Ms. Arianna Abdelnaiem, Research Assistant, Canadian Council for International Co-operation (CCIC).
- Mr. Hesham Abdel Salam ElMewad, Deputy Secretary General of the Egyptian Agency of Partnership for Development
- Mr. Hisakazu Hiraoka, Director, Health Group, Human Development Department, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- Ms. Melissa Sanchez , Program Manager, Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation Department, Chilean Agency for International Co-operation and Development (AGCID)
- Mr. Norman Mbaisi, Projects Associate, Youth Alive! Kenya.