Representatives of 25 countries in the Americas got together in Lima, ILO HQ, to discuss joint plans on combatting child labour in the region with the support of the Brazilian and Spanish Cooperation Agencies from the 22-25, October. PARDEV supported with RBTC-SSTC the networking platform for good practice exchanges in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as increased monitoring of areas most at risk of child labour and its worst forms
The Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour Regional Initiative (RI) is an innovative South-South cooperation mechanism involving 30 countries committed to accelerating the process of eliminating child labour in the region. Currently, the RI is concentrating its efforts on thematic and territorial actions, expanding and strengthening its South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) strategy, in order to strengthen the national response, aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Development Sustainable, and deepen the sustainability of the platform.
From 22-25, October in Lima, Peru, the V RI’s Network of Focal Points Meeting gathered representatives of governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations. The event, which was held with the financial support and participation of Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), Andalusian Agency for International Development Cooperation (AACID), and United States Department of Labor (USDOL), constituted an opportunity to expand the SSTC strategy, as well as to inform the Focal Points on the status of the implementation of Phase I of the Child Labour Risk Identification Model (CLRIM).
CLRIM is being implemented in seven countries and it is scheduled to start in five other countries during the 2019-2020 period. The methodology of Phase II of CLRIM, based on the first experience of application at the municipal level in Tuxtla Gutiérrez (Chiapas, Mexico), was also shared during the event. Finally, during the meeting, the strategic planning 2018-2021 was updated and the RI’s multi-actor feature was strengthened in dialogues with representatives of civil society members of the Global March.
For further information on the Latin America and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour Regional Initiative: http://iniciativa2025alc.org/?language=es
Click here to access the presentations and agenda of the V RI’s Network of Focal Points Meeting.