Image by South Centre
On 17 June in Geneva, Labour Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) attended a meeting during the 108th International Labour Conference (ILC). On the occasion Moussa Oumarou, ILO’s Deputy Director-General for Field Operations & Partnerships, stressed the importance of the ILO partnership with the Member States of the NAM to enhance the Decent Work Agenda. According to Moussa Oumarou, the Member States of NAM are all champions of South-South and Triangular Cooperation and have, in spirit of solidarity, increasingly becoming indispensable actors in voluntary budget contributions to the ILO.
During the meeting, the South Centre Senior Adviser on South-South Cooperation and Development Finance, Yuefen Li, on behalf of the Executive Director of the South Centre, Dr. Carlos Correa, highlighted the commitment of the South Centre to working together with the Member States of NAM and the ILO to create conditions to the achievement of the SDG 8 to promote full and productive employment and decent work for all.
See the Declaration of the Non-Aligned Movement Labour Ministers here.